I am Elżbieta Sophia - I am translator between the GALACTIC STAR PEOPLE and STAR SEEDS on Earth
~ Talking with the High Consciousness Beings of Light and Love ~ Multi-dimensional Channeling 6D to 12D ~

Hello Beautiful StarSeeds and LightWorkers
I am Star Being, my name is Elżbieta Sophia
I am in communication with the Star People since my early childhood. I was introduced to the Galactic Consciousness through NDE in 1983. Sadly in early 2000's I also had experiences with the not pleasant night abductions. Since 2012 I am serving as the translator for multi-dimensional 6D to 12D Star People. In most cases, I can see them and we are talking telepathically I also serve as Consciousness Awakening Coach and I am offering Cutting Spiritual Cords

My story
Since 1990 I’ve been intensively studying different modalities of Energy Healing Techniques and ESOTERISM, Metaphysics, and the Star people connections. These days I mostly work with private clients doing Channeling of their Spirit Guides and with people who just got awakened. I am one of many awakened, active Light Workers, Spiritual Healers, and New Teachers on our Planet assisting with OUR Planetary shift to 5D. Nurturing others and spiritually guiding them is at the core of who I am.
Much like ancient healers, my focus is to help individuals by healing the source of the issue which sometimes may be buried in a past life, parallel dimension, family lineage, or life contract. Most of the time in the one-on-one sessions, I feel and see the client's energy fields, the blocks in their physical bodies. During a session I also communicate silently with my client's physical body. Most importantly, I see and talk with my client's spiritual guides.
How do I get to learn channeling?
At the age of 17, I was involved in an accident; shortly after arriving at the hospital, I died. This was the most beautiful and soul-awakening experience in my life. I re-emerged from this with DEEP spirituality, awareness, and consciousness and in sync with the non-physical Divine world of unconditional love. I was suddenly able to not only believe in non-physical life, but to understand the energies that are left hidden from most humans and see and communicate with other highly conscious beings from the Universe, I call them Star People. I became fascinated with the invisible part of the human body, especially all the exterior, subtle energies fields, which usually our human eye cannot see but are such a crucial part of our physical manifestation. That experience also got me to the awareness that EVERYTHING on Earth is Conscious. Yes, the dirt is conscious as well as the rock and the mountain, wind, and the biggest life force itself sunlight and water ....
It birthed within me a clear understanding that I am an infinite, spiritual being who has chosen to have a human experience on Earth, and so are YOU! I am also artist, born with the gift of synesthesia. I have BA in Fine Arts and sometimes I am creating this types of art:
· Healing frequency functional objects
· Visionary, Metaphysical Art
· Portal / Vortex Personal Art - This is your personal/metaphysical tool. This art is made for each person individually. Keeping your focus on your life mission. It is raising your consciousness connecting you to your Higher Self and All-Knowing Self. As well as calibrating you with The Power that you were born with & with Your Sacred Calling. How does it get better than that?!
Formal Education
BA in Fine Arts and Ceramics, Architectrual Steind Glass
Education in Energy Techniques
Since 1990 I've been intensively studying different Modalities of Esoterism, Metaphysics, Mysticism, Ancient Sumerian Mythology.
Polarities, Rebirthing, Silva M.C., NLP, Reiki I, II, EFT, Quantum Jumping, Pranic Healing, Landmark Education, Access Consciousness, Access Bars Facilitator, Spiritual Life Coach, Conscious Awakening Coach
I hope we can meet, and be a contribution to each other!
The Divine in me blesses and honors the Divine in you.